Visible Mantra is developing opportunities for readers to purchase products related to Buddhist Calligraphy and visualizing mantra. We've set up some third party shops to help you find the information, resources, and products to support your mantra practice; and to purchase selected calligraphy designs. A desideratum is to offer original calligraphic art works for sale.

From this customised Amazon shop you can purchase the books mentioned on Visible Mantra, as well as calligraphy supplies, and incense. We also offer a selection of books on Shingon, Kukai, the FWBO/WBO and Buddhism generally.

The Visible Mantra "Shirt City" shop allows you to design a range of clothing and gifts, such as cups and mouse-mats, with a selection of original Visible Mantra designs. If you would like to see a particular design included please visit the contact page.